You can find on this page the Beijing (Peking) topographic map to print and to download in PDF. The Beijing (Peking) elevation map present the topography, river and relief of Beijing (Peking) in China.

Beijing (Peking) elevation map

Map of Beijing (Peking) elevation

The Beijing (Peking) topographic map shows elevation, hills and landforms in Beijing (Peking). This elevation map of Beijing (Peking) will allow you to know topography, river and relief of Beijing (Peking) in China. The Beijing (Peking) topographic map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The city of Beijing (Peking) is situated at the northern apex of the roughly triangular North China Plain and lies at an elevation between about 100 and 130 feet (30 and 40 metres) above sea level as you can see in Beijing (Peking) elevation map. The city was built at the mouth of this embayment, which opens onto the great plain to the south and east, and between two rivers, the Yongding and the Chaobai, which eventually join to empty into the Bo Hai (Gulf of Chihli) in Tianjin municipality, some 100 miles (160 km) southeast of Beijing (Peking). To the south of the city the plain spreads out for about 400 miles (650 km) until it merges into the lower valley and the delta of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). On the east the plain is bounded by the sea, except for the break caused by the Shandong Hills; on the west it is flanked by the Taihang Mountains, which constitute the eastern edge of the Loess Plateau (loess is loamy material deposited by wind).

The Great Wall of China across the northern part of Beijing (Peking) Municipality was built on the rugged topography to defend against nomadic incursions from the steppes. Mount Dongling, in the Western Hills and on the border with Hebei, is the municipality of Beijing (Peking) highest elevation point, with an altitude of 2,303 metres (7,556 ft) as its shown in Beijing (Peking) elevation map.

The mountains north of Beijing (Peking) including Badaling, Jundushan and Fenghuanling all belong to the Yanshan range, which runs east-west, across northern Hebei Province. Yanshan separates the North China Plain from the steppes and held considerable military significance in history. All of Beijing (Peking) Great Wall sections were built in the Yanshan range, which reaches an elevation height of 2,241 meters (7,352 feet.) at Haituoshan on the border between Yanqing and Hebei as its mentioned in Beijing (Peking) elevation map. The Yanshan and Xishan ranges meet at Nankou, in Changping District, northwest of the city. The intersection creates a massive fault line and rift valley through which the city main roads and railroads to the northwest pass.