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Map of Beijing (Peking) bus: bus routes and bus stations of Beijing (Peking)

You can find on this page the Beijing (Peking) buses map to print and to download in PDF. The Beijing (Peking) bus system map and the Beijing (Peking) trolley map present the network, stations and lines of the buses and trolley of Beijing (Peking) in China.

Beijing (Peking) bus map

The Beijing (Peking) bus map shows all the stations and lines of the Beijing (Peking) bus system. This bus map of Beijing (Peking) will allow you to easily plan your routes in the buses of Beijing (Peking) in China. The Beijing (Peking) bus system map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Buses in Beijing (Peking) are numbered from 1 to 999 as you can see in Beijing (Peking) bus map. Line numbers in different range means different service areas as follows: Lines 1-199: Services in inner city. For most travelers, these lines are adequate for their visits. Lines 200-299: Night services in inner city. Lines 300-399: Services in outer city / suburb. Travelers should take these lines for their visits to some remote places such as the Summer Palace. Lines 400-599: Community services / service to outer city or suburbs. Lines 600-799: Services with routes both in inner city and outer city. Usually these lines have longer routes. Lines 800-899: Air-conditioned services. Lines 900-999: Services from inner city to rural area. Travelers can take these services to remote places such as the Great Wall. Bus Pass: 3-day, 7-day and 14-day short-term bus passes are available for travelers.

There are thousands of buses operating in Beijing (Peking) with hundreds of routes, so getting almost anywhere within the city limits, as well as reaching suburban areas is possible. Buses are generally crowded as they are the cheapest form of public transport. Getting a seat is sometimes impossible so get ready to squeeze in and stand. There are double decker buses for the popular inner city areas as its mentioned in Beijing (Peking) bus map. The bus service is not timetabled as such, so make sure to bring lots of patience along for the journey, but buses are usually quite frequent. They run from about 5am to 11pm daily; the times of the first and last buses from the termini (not the bus stop) are displayed. However, most of the information is written in Chinese which makes bus travel less appealing to tourists. Buses are quite modern, some have a conductor - some do not, but most have automated announcements of station stops in both Chinese and English.

It is uncommon for place names to be translated into an English equivalent, though. One can find which bus to use by using Google maps. Bus stops in Beijing (Peking) are shown on the map when zooming in. Buses between 2 points can be found using the "directions" function. For some buses the fare depends on the distance which makes it difficult for a tourist to buy the right ticket from the bus operator. This is not an issue if you have a swipe card. Apart from buses to the Great Wall at Badaling (877 from Deshengmen watchtower), there are a few city bus routes that are very useful for tourists. 专1 is special route circling around Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. This is an excellent and easy way to get from the north exit of the FC back to the Qianmen area. There are also a couple of handy trolleybus routes with a flat fare of 1rmb cash (see Beijing (Peking) bus map).