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Map of Beijing (Peking) street: streets, roads and highways of Beijing (Peking)

You can find on this page the Beijing (Peking) streets map to print and to download in PDF. The Beijing (Peking) roads map presents the road network, main roads, routes and motorways of Beijing (Peking) in China.

Beijing (Peking) streets map

The Beijing (Peking) streets map shows all street network and main roads of Beijing (Peking). This streets map of Beijing (Peking) will allow you to find your routes through the streets of Beijing (Peking) in China. The Beijing (Peking) streets map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Two notes on Beijing (Peking) street signs. The signs above an intersection indicate the street on which you are traveling, not the street over which you are crossing. Also, be sure to learn the Chinese words for "north," (Bei 北) "east," (Dong 东) "south" (Nan 南) and "west" (Xi 西) as they will help you differentiate streets that may appear to have the same name as its shown in Beijing (Peking) streets map. Much of Beijing (Peking) is laid out in a grid fashion and streets running east-west are signed in red letters on a white background; streets running north-south are signed in white letters on a green background. Both Chinese characters and Romanised words (Pinyin) are given for street names but accompanying directional arrows just show Chinese script. And while the word "hutong" may translate to "alley," some "hutong" streets are actually major thoroughfares.

Similar in nature to Yandai Xiejie, Liulichang is a street chockablock with curio, books, tea and antique shops. An area where scholars and academics liked to congregate in Ming times, the shops are filled with related objects such as calligraphy scrolls, ink stones, Chinese brush art and old books. Famous shops include Rongbaozhai, Qingmige, China Bookshop and Haiwangcun as you can see in Beijing (Peking) streets map. Yandai Xiejie (烟袋斜街) near Houhai. This street of Beijing (Peking) was originally the site of long-stemmed pipe vendors (thus the name). Located in an 800-year old hutong neighborhood that has not been bulldozed for the Olympics or otherwise, you can get a feel for an ancient neighborhood while browsing through antiquities, minority shops and a, t galleries. 8 Xiushui Dongjie, Jianguomen, this is dog-eat-dog survival-of-the-fittest type shopping. Hawkers will lure you in and will drive hard bargains. Keep your wallet safe from pickpockets.

Some Beijing (Peking) Streets, in particular, are known the world over for their incredible street vendors and snack streets. As a metropolis, Beijing (Peking) tantalizes hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world year after year. To serve this tremendous flow of people, because eating still a very important part of any vacation, restaurants and snack stores are playing an ever-increasing role in Beijing (Peking). With a long history and many time-honored restaurants, Qianmen Street does not quite bustle with people like the other snack streets on this list. Qianmen Street as its mentioned in Beijing (Peking) streets map is a way to gain a taste of upper-class Beijing (Peking). Praised as the first popular snack street in Beijing (Peking), Guijie earns its place at Number 3 on our list as one of the only streets where all the stores are open 24/7. It stretches about 1.5 kilometers and is also called the Ghost Street, for the street is extremely busy at night with an old saying that ghosts would enter the city in the night to have their dinner.

Beijing (Peking) roads map

The Beijing (Peking) roads map shows all road network and highways of Beijing (Peking). This roads map of Beijing (Peking) will allow you to find your routes through the roads and motorways of Beijing (Peking) in China. The Beijing (Peking) roads map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Beijing (Peking), as the capital and a municipality of the People Republic of China (PRC), is a transportation hub, with a sophisticated network of roads, railways and a major airport. Four completed ring roads encircle a city with nine expressways heading in virtually all compass directions, supplemented by eleven China National Highways. One of Beijing (Peking) biggest traffic concerns is its widespread traffic congestion. Traffic in the city center is often gridlocked, with rush hour lasting 11 hours a day as of 2006, and smooth traffic only available at night. Topping out areas with frequent traffic jams are the eastern and western 2nd and 3rd Ring Roads, the northern 4th Ring Road , Shangqing Bridge , Jianguo Road , and Xidaokou as you can see in Beijing (Peking) roads map. The authorities have attempted several moves to unblock traffic — with limited success. The police frequently fine traffic violators. Actual enforcement, however, is spotty.

Beijing (Peking) road construction has been maximized, with more new road projects being started than ever. Unfortunately, unlike 2003 (which witnessed the opening of the remaining 40% of the 5th Ring Road on time on November 1, 2003), 2004 proved to be a poor year in terms of the Beijing (Peking) authorities holding their promises on new roads to be opened to general traffic. The Jingcheng Expressway ( 3rd Ring Road - 4th Ring Road ) opened two days behind time (September 30 instead of September 28), and with access to the expressway only on the ring road section heading anticlockwise, and only bound for Chengde, being possible. Meanwhile, the southwestern 6th Ring Roadwas scheduled to be opened in November 2004, but has been delayed; an inspection of the ring road was concluded in late November, with success, but the road still remains closed as of mid-December 2004. Basic work for the Airport Expressway ( 2nd Ring Road - 3rd Ring Road ) was boasted for completion by December 12 , 2004; that, too, was a missed deadline as its mentioned in Beijing (Peking) roads map.

Roads in Beijing (Peking) often are in one of the four compass directions (unlike, for example, Tianjin ). Additionally, five ring roads (including one partially open), nine expressways, and numerous fast through routes and China National Highways all form an expansive traffic infrastructure around the capital. The city is served by four completed concentric ring roads (with the 6th ring nearing completion). From the center of the city outward, they are: 2nd Ring Road, 3rd Ring Road, 4th Ring Road, 5th Ring Road, 6th Ring Road (partially open) as its shown in Beijing (Peking) roads map. The western part of the 6th Ring Road is still partially under projection. There are rare references to a 7th Ring Road . It is odd to note that Beijing does not officially have a 1st Ring Road.